
John Persell

Tuesday, October 19th State Senate District 4A candidate and incumbent John Persell came to speak to my Political Journalism Class. Running with the Democratic Farm Labor party he explained to us his beginnings in politics, his family life, what he feels government should be, and who he is as a politician and an individual.
Graduating from Bemidji State University with degrees in Biology and Chemistry John originally started showing an interest in civic leadership with his county water board, using his expertise running a water analysis facility north of Red Lake to build his decisions on policy. He stated frequently his review of peer reviewed literature when trying to gain insight to a particular issue, building hard empirical evidence to base his decisions; along with a  healthy dose of pragmatism.
Speaking plainly with an even tone and baritone register Mr. Persell wore flannel and broken in cowboy boots under a jacket for a local Eagles Club chapter. While being a scientist at heart one can’t help but pick up the somewhat rural feel and accompanying honesty to his speech and manner. Education, the youngest and oldest in society are the people the government needs to be watching out for, it shouldn’t be an overbearing influence in our free society; but if those two groups can be sheltered by their country with healthcare, a necessity in today’s global economy and education we can maintain our position as the greatest country on earth.
Economically speaking Mr. Persell feels the need for the United States to return to production of goods domestically as an imperative to the U.S. remaining competitive in our increasingly crowded global economy. Exporting so many of the goods we wish to consume to become imports weakens us, and despite it being a believer in free market he stressed the necessity of real production based here at home, expressing the belief that low prices are in fact somewhat artificial considering their expensive impact on our economic stability.
His most sincere point however was his addressing of so called “hate mail” he knows is sent out by the opposition party’s supporters. They accuse Mr. Persell of spending frivolously on projects far and near, being a “tax and spend” politician and essentially a shark attempting to tear at Bemidji. Stating with his usual steadiness he tells how in his district, his home for the better share of his life doesn’t receive this kind of campaigning.
Seeming as honest a politician as I’ve ever met, John Persell seems to be unafraid to tell you his views; however maintaining a friendliness that can’t be replicated easily.
This coming November is the District 4A race between John Persell, Democratic Farm Labor and Richard Lehmann, Republican Party Candidate.

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